Age groups: 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 & 90
50-85 including consolation
Mixed Doubles 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70
Venue: TC Bad Füssing (main site)
(a total of 12 courts / 3 indoors)
Matches start:
Monday for Super Seniors 65-90; Tuesday for Seniors 60
Wednesday for Seniors 55 Thursday for WS/ MS 50
Friday for all Young Seniors (30, 40) no off-days
Entry deadline: Tue, 05.Aug, only via ITF IPIN - Entries via your account on:
Official Ball:HEAD Tour

Entry Fee: Early Bird: € 85 until 10 AUG
Paypal: € 87,- by 10 AUG to
Cash payment on site: € 90,- (incl. DTB charges)
Young Seniors € 80
Bankverbindung / bank account for entry fee:
np sports gmbh
IBAN: DE16 7002 0270 0652 0173 63 Swift (BIC) HYVEDEMMXXX
BFO & Name & AK (M50, W75,..)
Bitte haben Sie Verständnis dafür, dass wir bei Absagen nach der Auslosung das Startgeld nicht zurückerstatten! All players in the draw have to pay their entry fee and itf ipin fee! No refund after the draw has been made.

Prizes: Hotel Vouchers for Singles Winners, medals, valuable gifts
Specials for all participants; Beergarden-Evening (bavarian style), Golf, cycling, Casino
Hotels: plenty of motels and hotels around - all rates - camping next door
List: Bad Füssing Hotels.pdf
Organisation team np sports & tennis club
Tournament Director: Kerstin Peick -
For any questions feel free to contact us: Tel.: +49 177 3500 730
Mail: orga(at)
Wohnwagen-Stellplätze sind auf dem Campingplatz (200 m) verfügbar
- keine Parkmöglichkeit auf der Anlage!
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